Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Sneezy and Itchy

That same grass that gives my kitties so much joy. makes me itch, sneeze, and my respiratory system complain. I wish I knew a way to fix it. I take zyrtec every day. I take flonase during the "growing" season, I try to stay indoors and I even tried the steroid shot. I'm still miserable.

Don't get me wrong, without the meds things are much worse (except the shot - that didn't help at all and actually seemed to make my symptoms worse). If I go outside, I end up scratching all over and the coughing and sneezing becomes much more than occasional. If I stay out there long enough - or heaven help me - actually touch the grass -- then I end up with a rash and sometimes these asthma like attacks with wheezing.

This makes it really hard when activities tend to surround backyards, barbecue grills or my grandchildren wanting to play outside.

I found out about the grass allergy when I was trying to fix my chronic lung infection. The specialist did a blood test. My new doctor gave me the steroid shot a month ago -- and said if it didn't work we could look into allergy testing at my next appointment (a year from now).

So, has anyone had similar issues and come up with a different/better fix?

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